Big changes and New ventures:

Just a quick note to inform all of my lovely visitors;

All pricing for photographic and digital art works has been removed from the entire site, soon a new venue for purchasing works will be set up. I hope to have this up and running within the next few days, with only a select number of pieces added. Of course requests for older works that are not present in this new venture will be accepted and reviewed, as always the aim is to provide you all, the viewers, the choice and option ;]
Also, this new venue will be housing some new photographic works as well. The venture over to the mobile photography, iPhoneography if you will, has produced some fantastic pieces. And sharing them with you all is definitely coming!

This new venue will provide an easy one click to a gallery where one will be able to purchase directly, and not {hopefully} have any confusion as to how to go about gaining some fabulous artwork for your walls.

So stay tuned and watch this space, new things are a brewing!!

Below is a wee iPhoneography gallery via instagram & snapwidget:

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